Understanding AI as an opportunity - this was the motto of the workshop on 20 September 2022 organised by Zukunftszentrum Süd in cooperation with Neue Materialen Bayreuth GmbH and the business development agencies of the city and district of Bayreuth.

During the workshop, Jonas Szalanczi and Thomas Lachner gave a presentation on the experiences of the last few years at NeuroForge. The focus was on the integration of experts for artificial intelligence in companies. With the help of experts, achievable goals can be guaranteed, employees can be inspired for digital transformation projects and company successes can be realised more easily. The involvement of experts makes it easier to transform the company into Industry 4.0.

NeuroForge presented its new "AI on the Edge" demonstrator. This is how AI becomes tangible!
This is equipped with a live camera AI and a recreated industrial shop window of a conveyor belt and enables the tracking and tracing of objects. A special feature of this demonstrator is the use of AI directly on the device and not in a cloud. This means that data is processed directly on site and not passed on to an external data centre. The application can be used for any object. To demonstrate the potential in a particularly simple way and to make it understandable for everyone, fruits are used instead of production objects.

Of course, the AI application is not specifically geared to fruit as such, but can be tailored to individual requirements by our experts.
We would like to thank Florian Ziegler from the Zukunftszentrum Süd and Prof. Dr. Holger Ruckdäschel from the NMBH Bayreuth for the invitation.
To learn more about the use of image recognition via AI and deep learning, please visit our information page on image recognition.